Over 25 Years Experience
Express Boat Transport have over 25 years experience you can rest easy knowing your boat is in good hands.
Transport Locations
We offer trailer boat transport to ALL locations within Australia including Tasmania.
Transport Services
We have the ability to relocate your boat regardless of the size. We can safely shift any boat up to 60ft!
Boats up to 60ft Oversize and Overmass goods
Express boat transport has the ability to relocate your boat regardless of the size.
Express Boat Transport are accredited and permitted to travel Australia wide including Western Australia, with oversize and overmass goods, Over width goods (over 2.5m beam) are a piece of cake for us, and our main area of focus. We have the contacts for pilots, escorts and regulating authorities to ensure your oversize boat is transported to its new home with ease. With adjustable trailers and custom rigs to secure your boat, we can safely shift any boat up to 60ft in accordance with local, state and federal requirements and permits.
The latest equipment is used to cater for Yachts, keel boats and shaft driven power boats alike. We specialise in boats too large for conventional trailers, Mustang, Bertram, Arvor, Sea Ray, Fourwinns, Albemarle, Bayliner, Whittley, Moneterey, Seaswirl, Fjord, Boston Whaler, Grady White and Blackwatch just to name a few.
We are fully accredited within Western Australia and run weekly to the west from Brisbane, Sydney and Melbourne. We have a great relationship with all marina’s around Australia and as a result can gather quotes for lifting, cleaning and storage quoted on your behalf if you should request.
Express Boat transport can offer a comprehensive service from water to water including all lifting fees, bookings and transport permits on your behalf, that way you can deal with one person throughout the whole process, taking the stress away from what can at times be a demanding task.
We offer oversize and overmass transport services to ALL locations within Australia, including Tasmania.

Express boat transport specialises in the following types of oversize boat transport